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Welcome to the Lanstara website.

I have owned, bred and exhibited this beautiful breed for nearly 50 years now.
Over the past 4 years I have been having fun showing Harriet, ”Lanstara Spring Star JW” and supporting litter brother
Rory ”Sh Ch Lanstara Spring Moon” owned by Gordon and Debbie Rowbottom.

I judge at Championship Show level and have been fortunate to have been able to judge the breed abroad as well as in the UK

Vivien Blackshaw


Sh Ch Lanstara Spring Moon

Pictured here with his owner Gordon after he won his 4th CC at Scottish Kennel Club Championship Show where he went on to win Best of Breed and then take Group 3 in the Gundog group. Many thanks to the breed Judge Mrs Julia lles-Hebbert and group Judge Mrs Valerie Ross.

Photo by Pawsword Photography


Lanstara Spring Star JW (I RCC)

Harriet has been consistantly in the cards in the Limit bitch class all year.

Here she is winning a strong Limit class at Windsor

Photo: M Robinson

Both Rory and Harriet have some exciting progery in the ring both at home and abroad.
Good luck to them and all their siblings and owners for the future.

Lanstara Spring Star JW (Harriet)

Sh Ch Lanstara Spring Moon (Rory)

Harriet & Rory